Daniel Arias Aranda (Madrid, 1972) is Professor of Business Organization at the University of Granada and a researcher in the areas of Operations Management, Innovation Management and Technology. He has been a visiting professor giving lectures at different universities nationally and internationally, obtaining in 2011 the Award for Teaching Excellence from the University of Granada. He is the author of numerous research and teaching books, as well as narratives and short stories related to the impact of technology on society.
He regularly collaborates in various media (Podcasts "Días Extraños", "Frikilosofía", ...) having intervened in different media of written press, radio and TV.
I love researching and trying to understand the world around us from the perspective of economics and business management. I am also passionate about teaching concepts, complex a priori, with simple words so that everyone can understand them. That is why I became a podcaster when Santiago Camacho gave me the opportunity to have a section called Strange Economy (Economía Extraña) in his Podcast, already cult, Strange Days (Días Extraños).
I also collaborate in the Frikilosofia podcast with Tomás García Baringo and a bunch of very hungry geeks in which we talked, of course, about geeking and various issues of our childhood.
I also talk about the intricacies of Strategic Management in the Strategos section of the Let’s Marketing podcast for actual or potential managers and present and future entrepreneurs.
In my academic role, I coordinate 2 international research projects in Spain which I love. The first one is based on the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and is called REMESH (Research Network on Emergency Resources Supply Chain) together with 4 other European and 3 Asian universities and we are dedicated to investigating how to respond faster before humanitarian catastrophes. The second is called AGROS and is funded by the European Commission together with 6 universities and institutions in Europe. In it we prepare training material for future professionals in sustainable agriculture, no more, no less.
I teach Strategic Management at the Faculty of Labor Relations and Human Resources. At the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences I teach an advanced Strategic Management course in the Master in Economics and Advances in Operations Management in the Master in Economics and Business Organization. In the Master in Chemical Engineering I teach Business Management and Organization and in the bachelor degree, I teach Economics and Business Organization.
I have more than 100 publications between scientific articles, books and academic material that should be more less ordered around here. Two of them are textbooks on Operations Management.
I must have done something good when in 2011 I was awarded the prize for teaching excellence.
I also write short stories and fiction and I got awards for that. If you like science fiction, check out the link Fiction at the right top corner of this webpage.
If you have come this far reading, my congratulations and my thanks. You deserve a kitten video.
Finally, I dedicated myself for some time to be the Secretary of my department, Vice-dean of Study Plans and Quality in the Faculty of Business, Coordinator of the Master in Economics and Director of the Planning Center of the Health Sciences Technology Park from Granada. I have also taught at several foreign universities such as SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Tulane University (U.S.A), University of Economics in Bratislava, Bucknell University (U.S.A) among many others.
And to get here, where did I study? Well, I graduated in Economics and in Business Administration and Management at the Carlos III University of Madrid and I received a doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid.
And I’m still “Alive and kicking” and since you’ve come to the end reading and I’m a pretty simple mind, I’m going to dedicate this especially for you. Thanks!